Service Sire: Avatar
30602229<--ari-->Light Rose Grey, Medium Rose Grey<--color-->Avatar has wonderful crimpy, dense, and fine fleece, but what truly separates him from the other outstanding herd sires is his phenomenal handle - due only in part to the exceptional uniformity of his fleece.
Cameron Holt, AOBA Senior Judge Trainer and world wide fiber expert, gave the following scores to Avatar's fleece:
Fineness: 15 out of 15 ; Handle: 5 out of 5 ; Uniformity of micron: 7 out of 8 ; Crimp: 8.5 out of 10 ; Density: 3 out of 5 ; Brightness: 8 out of 10 ; Lack of medullation: 8 out of 10. (Scores are given without regard to color).
Avatar's Stars (kids) had accumulated 41 Championships & 75 Blue Ribbons as of early 2011 - in full fleece halter & in fleece shows.
Avatar has well over 120 cria on the ground and counting.
His offspring's most recent accomplishments include Delphi's Lailah: Color Champion Grey Female at the 2012 Nationals - with her Juvenile fleece; Delphi's Rama: Blue Ribbon at the 2012 National Fleece Show, and brown Color Champion at the Tenessee Waltz Fleece Show. These two Avatar kids helped Delphi win the 2012 Classic Cup for fleece at the 2012 Nationals!
And oh my you should see this year's crop of new babies. Avatar has given Delphi 2 rose grey sons that look to be boys we are likely to keep forever. Plus a full sister to Lailah, and a gorgeous crimpy brown son named Tau. Watch for these babies in the 2013 Show Ring!
Avatar's many crias include Futurity and AOBA National Show Champions, several National Fleece Champions, and numerous Multi-Champion and Blue Ribbon show winners. More Champions continue to arrive every year.
Previously closed to outside breedings, you may now purchase breedings to Avatar for your best girls!
Right now we are making a special offering for a breeding you may choose to use now in Pennsylvania, or bank to use anytime during the next 18 months, at any of Avatar's locations.
Imagine how excited you will be to meet your very own Avatar cria!
The last publicly available breeding<--description-->