Check out our new financing terms below. If these terms don't fit your budget, give me a call and we will work with you to help you add this OUTSTANDING STUD to your breeding program. Call Now!!!
Don't pass up the opportunity to own the top full accoyo stud in the USA, Accoyo Nolan Ryan. Nolan has produced offspring in all the colors on the color chart, except grey and multi. True black, maroon, brown, fawn, beige and white, that's pretty amazing considering his accoyo genetics.
Nolan's offspring have his temperment, laid back and easy to handle, that is a plus for anyone's breeding program. We absolutely love him but we know that he will produced championship offspring to his new owners. We are keeping several of his offspring male and female because of their excellent genetics and fabulous fleece.
SUPER BREEDING with a FEMALE cria guarantee. Buy a breeding to Nolan Ryan we we'll guarantee you a female cria, if the first breeding doesn't result in a girl, bring your female back and we'll repeat the breeding.
If you bring a Black female to breed to Nolan we'll give you an additional 10% off of the breeding fee!!!
Well Nolan Ryan's offspring has done it at the 2012 AOBA Nationals!
The Closer by Nolan Ryan swept the fleece show with the White Color Championship!!
Along with the Best Lock, Best Luster and Best Handle.
Nolan has proven over and over he is a prepotent male, In any Color!!!!
On 8-31 a True Black male cria was born (Nolan Ryan x Elvyra) This little boy is half accoyo, with corkscrew curls and luster and density. This boy, The Fifth Element, should be a presence in the 2011 show rings, stop by and check him out.
His latest offspring to hit the ground running is a beautiful, dark brown/maroon male. This little cira has luster all over, density, cool slick hand to his fleece, attitude and great conformation. We can't wait to show him in 2011.
New News!! His second cria of the year arrived January 7, 2010 Med Brown Male 17.6 lb his dam is also Me<--description-->